Sports Hall Tribune Installation

Sports Hall Tribune Installation

When someone says “tribune”, a small school sports hall tribune or the biggest tribunes may come to most of the people’s minds. But sports hall tribunes are not such a limited area. As Integral family, we believe that there are much more options in order to make the...
High Quality Stadium Chair Manufacturer

High Quality Stadium Chair Manufacturer

Besides giving importance to sports, do you also care about your comfort? So, in this article, we would like to introduce you to an amazing product: Stadium chair by Integral as a leading stadium chair manufacturer, we offer our customers best stadium chairs and...
What is Telescopic Tribune and Cost

What is Telescopic Tribune and Cost

Tribune… What comes to your mind about this word? Standard tribunes? So, let’s introduce you to a new type of tribune. Because we, as Integral Grandstand, have been offering a different service, also and we have become one of the leading telescopic tribune...