What is Bleacher Seating?

What is Bleacher Seating?

The term “stadium bleacher seating” is often used to refer to the side of a football field or basketball court in American movies, but it is more commonly used to refer to retractable seating or telescopic seating in Europe and the UK. What is the...
2023 Model of Steel Grandstand

2023 Model of Steel Grandstand

Steel construction systems are systems in which all carrier systems are produced from steel. The most important feature of these systems compared to reinforced concrete construction is that they are light and earthquake resistant, their construction costs are much...
Features of Foldable Tribunes

Features of Foldable Tribunes

Telescopic tribunes with foldable seats are growing to be more in demand in the grandstand industry. Among different kinds of bleachers with various properties, foldable tribune is high in demand these days. High technology products are the apple of the eyes of the...
Stadium Seating Types

Stadium Seating Types

When we think of stadiums, the first thing that comes into our minds is the stadium seating. Stadiums are parts of important events, and it is difficult for us to consider these two concepts separately from each other. A high quality and aesthetically beautiful kind...